Tag Archive: segment the list

DO “Sweat the Small Stuff”

There was a book written a few years ago titled “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff”. The truth is I bought it, skimmed it and set it aside so I really can’t beat it up or give it a fair critique. But, what I can say is that when it comes to running and operating a …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.olivergroupassociationinsider.com/2013/07/06/do-sweat-the-small-stuff/

How to Better Communicate with your Members

Your members pay their dues and belong to the Association.  There are certain benefits they expect to receive with their membership.  They look to you to provide valuable information – information that will help better their business, ensure that they’re operating up to code or industry standards, info that could increase productivity and maybe increase …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.olivergroupassociationinsider.com/2013/07/01/how-to-better-communicate-with-your-members/

“Are Your Emails Relevant?”

I just finished deleting the 197 emails that accumulated in my in box during our office move. I’m getting pretty good at scanning the “subject” line and hitting the “delete” button. I know that inside some of those emails there is probably some information that I would have an interest in, but after receiving so …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.olivergroupassociationinsider.com/2013/07/01/are-your-emails-relevant/